
Are you seeking career advice? Or are you lost on your job search? Perhaps you’re just a recruiter looking to improve your candidate experience. You’ll learn all about getting hired and hiring here on my blog. Want to see a specific topic? Comment your suggestion on any of my latest blogs below.

Processing the news of a layoff

Exactly one month ago today, I wrapped up my last day of work at NCC Group. It was a day that seemed almost unimaginable, as I bid farewell to what I once called my “dream job.” The feelings of excitement and passion that had filled my days at NCC were abruptly replaced by a sinking…

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Monthly Podcast Recommendation: The #1 Rule of Networking

New month, new podcast recommendation! 🎧 In this episode of the Career Contessa | Job Search + Career Advice podcast the author of Relationships at Work and Vice President of Privacy at AT&T, Rachel B. Simon, talks about all things 𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜. I hear all the time “I’m not comfortable with networking” or “I don’t know where to begin”.…

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Prioritize you.

I’ve ridden my horse, created more artwork, started doing photography again and spent more time outside in the past few weeks since getting laid off than I have in the past few years of working a corporate career. My younger self would have grabbed me by the shoulders and given me a good “WHAT ARE…

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The power of referrals

While I don’t want to be yet another recruiter talking about the power of referrals in your job search, I can say first hand from my own career and from hiring numerous referrals — it works. It is something worth talking about! Fun fact: my last role as a Talent Acquisition Specialist at NCC Group…

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Reintroduction time: Hi, I’m Tylir (aka ITSourceress)

Time for a little reintroduction – I’m all about keeping it real, so for those who I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting and for those familiar faces who have stuck around, I’m Tylir (she/her)! 👋 Most of you know me through my career as a recruiter and HR professional, but I haven’t always been…

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The Pursuit of Happiness: Finding Your Ideal Employer in the IT Industry

Greetings, fellow job seekers and career enthusiasts! Today, I want to share a topic that has become all too relevant in my own life lately: the profound impact of choosing the right employer on your overall happiness and success in your career. As someone who has always advocated for others to “always be applying,” recent…

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The unemployed recruiter.

When the tech layoffs hit their peak in early 2023, I was fully aware that I was not immune to being laid off. It was a very real possibility. But when I got the call ” your position has been eliminated” – I was shook. This was not on my 2023 bingo card, but here…

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Do AI resume builders work?

One thing I am always asked is – how do I write a good resume? Well, lucky for you we’re entering the AI era of technology. I’m a firm believer that AI can be used as a tool. It’s not here to replace us, but streamline and elevate our work. Personally, I hate writing a…

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Cybersecurity is all around us

For most of us in the industry, cybersecurity a part of our daily lives. However, I recently had an eye-opening experience somewhere I never expected that reminded me of the importance of cybersecurity for everyone. 🤔 At the end our farm’s annual check-up for our livestock, my vet apologized for taking so long to write…

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Recognizing Ramadan; one step towards a more inclusive workplace

As we enter the holy month of Ramadan, it is more important than ever for employers to recognize and support the religious and ethnic diversity of their employees. In recent years, we have seen an increase in racially charged attacks against Muslims, which can have a significant impact on their sense of safety and belonging…

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It’s okay to take a step back

Most of you know me as a technical recruiter, or as a mentor for career changers in the cybersecurity field. And well, that’s because one of my toxic traits is making my career my lifestyle. 🥴 Don’t get me wrong, being a recruiter and a mentor is an incredibly rewarding experience. But I’ll be completely…

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Coping with Layoffs: A Guide for Moving Forward

Losing your job can be a challenging and emotional experience. Whether you were laid off due to a company downsizing or restructuring, or you were let go for other reasons, it’s essential to take steps to cope with the transition and move forward. As someone who has been involved in the hiring process, I know…

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Survivor’s Guilt: Coping with the Emotional Impact of a Layoff

As a technical recruiter, I have spent countless hours working with talented individuals, helping them to find their dream jobs and start their new careers. However, sometimes things don’t go according to plan, and the unexpected happens. Recently, my company went through a reduction in force, resulting in the layoff of 20% of the people…

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Navigating Tech Industry Layoffs: A Guide for Preparing and Coping

The recent news of layoffs in the tech industry, and really across all industries right now, can be concerning and stressful, especially for those who may be impacted. Whether you work for a tech giant or a smaller company, it’s important to prepare for the possibility of a layoff and take steps to mitigate its…

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