For Recruiters

This blog series is all for recruiters, or anyone in the business of people! Want to create and inclusive environment for your diverse team or perhaps you want to improve your candidate experience? Find it all here.

Processing the news of a layoff

Exactly one month ago today, I wrapped up my last day of work at NCC Group. It was a day that seemed almost unimaginable, as I bid farewell to what I once called my “dream job.” The feelings of excitement and passion that had filled my days at NCC were abruptly replaced by a sinking…

Monthly Podcast Recommendation: The #1 Rule of Networking

New month, new podcast recommendation! 🎧 In this episode of the Career Contessa | Job Search + Career Advice podcast the author of Relationships at Work and Vice President of Privacy at AT&T, Rachel B. Simon, talks about all things 𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜. I hear all the time “I’m not comfortable with networking” or “I don’t know where to begin”.…

Prioritize you.

I’ve ridden my horse, created more artwork, started doing photography again and spent more time outside in the past few weeks since getting laid off than I have in the past few years of working a corporate career. My younger self would have grabbed me by the shoulders and given me a good “WHAT ARE…

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