
Are you looking for a mentor to help navigate your job search? Or perhaps you just need some career advice?

As a mentor on CyberMentorDojo_, I can’t recommend this great community enough. CyberMentorDojo_ connects mentees with mentors across the cybersecurity industry.

Sign up for a cybersecurity mentor here.

Want to book a mentorship session with me?

My background is in both the private and public sector hiring for cybersecurity and information technology roles. Previously, I worked for a leading global consulting firm hiring for their specialty practices such as penetration testing, hardware and embedded systems, transport (automotive, maritime and aerospace security), bug bounty, security research and more.

While my my experience is in recruiting candidates for a variety of roles, I am currently on the job search myself!

I can provide mentorship around soft skills, your job search strategy, reviewing your resume/LinkedIn/social media profile to help you optimize your personal branding or even to help you build a road map of your career path. With this, my advice and mentorship will be best suited for mentees based in North America who have an IT, computer science or cybersecurity background; either academically or professionally, at any level of experience.

Find me on CyberMentorDojo_ today!

Recent Posts and Resources

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