The power of referrals

While I don't want to be yet another recruiter talking about the power of referrals in your job search, I can say first hand from my own career and from hiring numerous referrals — it works. It is something worth talking about! Fun fact: my last role as a Talent Acquisition Specialist at NCC Group... Continue Reading →

The unemployed recruiter.

When the tech layoffs hit their peak in early 2023, I was fully aware that I was not immune to being laid off. It was a very real possibility. But when I got the call " your position has been eliminated" - I was shook. This was not on my 2023 bingo card, but here... Continue Reading →

Do AI resume builders work?

One thing I am always asked is - how do I write a good resume? Well, lucky for you we're entering the AI era of technology. I'm a firm believer that AI can be used as a tool. It's not here to replace us, but streamline and elevate our work. Personally, I hate writing a... Continue Reading →

Cybersecurity is all around us

For most of us in the industry, cybersecurity a part of our daily lives. However, I recently had an eye-opening experience somewhere I never expected that reminded me of the importance of cybersecurity for everyone. 🤔 At the end our farm's annual check-up for our livestock, my vet apologized for taking so long to write... Continue Reading →

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